4Q24 BP and Partner News & Releases
Trevor JonesWhat's Going On?
It's been a busy Fall season here at BP. We've added two now clients, Homegrown Designs (Hayfoot Strawfoot), Mike Raymond Games (Close The Atlantic. And we have a third, well-known in wargame circles, client coming on shortly - we will be doing several dozen of their games starting in November and through 2025. And there are a few other projects for others and of our own (games by Joe Fernandez (The Alamoi) and Bob West (Rasputin) also in the pipeline. As you may know, Ryan Heilman and Hermann Luttmann have more game ideas than any development team could possibly handle, but the next two to come with a Blue Panther logo on them will be a WW1 game using the same system as Road to Revolution (BP/THGC) and the second game in the Tattered Flag series covering the Cornfield at Antietam. And yes, we are looking at adapting TF to battles from the American Revolution and other suitable historical settings. And somewhere in his spare time, Hermann is also working on a game involving everyone's favorite undead creatures.
Coming Real Soon...
We've also got the imminent arrival of Hollandspiele's new game FOREX2 (Yes, she did it again) in early November, A Game of Drones from Historic Wings, two new titles from THGC (Battle of Kandahar, Battle of Vinegar Hill) and of course our own new title The Pursuit of John Wilkes Booth. Catastrophe Games will be releasing Arabian Struggle and their Insurgent Algeria games shortly. White Dog will be releasing a game on the Battle of the Alamo in days. We may not sell as many games as the bigger playersin the business, but some days it seems that we have almost as many titles for sale as they do :-)
Behind The Curtain...
As everyone is aware, inflation is making things tough all over. And that's also true in game world, with the price of almost everything (especially plastic) going higher. And the fact that we are also a game printer means paper, ink and other consumables have also seen spikes that need to be factored in. We can either raise prices or try to find a way to better control the things within our span of control. So we now have a card cutter and an automated trimmer added to our menagerie of production equipment, which should let us not only get a better handle on card prices, but also be positive for labor and turnaround time for games with card decks.
Holiday Sale
We will be doing a holiday sale in the month of November. Instead of a simple percentage reduction, we are working on a needlessly complex set of sale prices, rules and giveaways that would make a grognard reading a 100 page rulebook proud. The sale will include discounts, special additions (like dice trays with logos) and other special promotions. We will probably be closing out one or two games and product lines so expect big discounts on those as well. Details soon.
The BP Blog Publication schedule is modeled after Wargamers Information (from Rick Loomis at Flying Buffalo). Published at astoundingly irregular intervals such that a 12 issue subscription could last a lifetime!