Blue Panther LLC announces partnership with Lock'n Load Publishing, LLC
Trevor JonesFor Immediate Release Nov 1 2024
Blue Panther LLC is pleased to announce a printing partnership with Lock’n Load Publishing LLC. Over two dozen LnL titles will be made available in printed form to both the individual gamer and to wholesale/online stores. These games will be boxed and printed-on-demand in the Blue Panther style, featuring canvas (or mounted) maps.
The first two titles to be released on November 1st are Wake Island: A Heroic Defiance and Bougainville: The Forgotten Campaign. In December, the next two titles, Rommel at Gazala and Totensonntag: The First Battle of Sidi Rezegh will be released.
Over the next year two titles will be released each month. Most of these titles have been out of print or only available as print-n-play. The partnership also includes titles not previously released by Lock ‘n Load.
You can find full information on the titles available at www.lnlpublishing com or bluepantherllc.com under the “Lock ‘n Load Collection”. Orders are placed at bluepantherllc.com and Blue Panther will print and fulfill these titles worldwide. Check our website for online stores where you will be able to order the games in the EU and UK.