Welcome to the BP Blog!
Trevor JonesHello to all of our friends and customers in the wide world of tabletop gaming.
This is a first for us - an up to date blog entry on an up to date website - so we're excited. We're here one day before Thanksgiving and three days into the annual Hollandays Holiday Sale from Hollandspiele. Or to put it another way, we can sleep again when the sale is over. Back in 2016 when HS had 5 titles, a holiday sale was quite reasonable. Now with title 71 (Dinosaur Gauge) just out, it's fair to say that we always have lots and lots of raw material on hand before the event
For those of you who are not familiar with BP, a little synopis is in order. Blue Panther is a print-on-demand tabletop game printer (and now again a publisher - more on that later). We do things a little differently. You order a game from one of our clients like White Dog Games, or Hollandspiele, or Catastrophe Games, they tell us about your order, THEN we make your game and ship it to you directly. We are based in the United States, as is almost 100% of our supply base. This is an environmentally friendly way to make games because the wastes of transport, inventory, and overproduction are minimized. It's also lowers the cost of entry for a game publisher because they don't need to invest $10k or $20k or $30k in a production run of thousands of games that may or may not ever sell. That lets our clients (publishers) take on social and historical topics that traditional game companies would not consider. A few examples: women's right to vote (The Vote by Hollandspiele), gay civil rights (Stonewall Uprising by Catastrophe Games), nuclear war (First Strike 62 by Schutze Games), a thousand years of history of the Catholic church (The Mission by White Dog Games) and of course Dinosaur Train & Plane Tycoons (Dinosaur Gauge by Hollandspiele) and many others.
New Releases
Now that we are past the introductions, what's been going on lately? In October we released our first published game in over five years The Struggle For New France 2nd Edition by BIll Molyneaux (who is definitely an authority on the subject of the French & Indian War). Our next release is scheduled for Jan 23 - Land and Freedom by Alex Knight is an interesting new take on the Spanish Civil War for 1-3 players. More details coming on that release over the next few weeks.
Upcoming client releases...
Dinosaur Gauge just out from Hollandspiele (order on Hollandspiele.com)
Fall Blau Kickstarter successful from Catastrophe Games - it will ship in Jan 23 and be generally available in Feb 23 on www.catastrophegames.net and our website too.
55 Days at Peking, Siege of Queretaro by The Historical Game Company scheduled for release in December this year, order on our website. More info at www.thehistoricalgamecompany.com
Convention Schedule...
Blue Panther is putting together our convention schedule for 2023. Right now we are confirmed for WBC, Historicon, ConSimWorld Expo (Dallas and Tempe) and we are looking at other smaller cons around the country.
That's it for now - where did I put my coffee.....